Why I’m Running

 I want to do all I can to make sure every student in our county gets a high-quality education. Interacting regularly with parents and educators in this official capacity would allow me to achieve that goal. When it’s time to VOTE, I hope you will give me the opportunity to serve you, our community, and our students.

To ensure a high quality education for all, I believe these four things are essential:

  • Parent Involvement. Educators must connect regularly with parents to understand what matters to them and to enlist their support in making schools successful for their students.

  • Engaging Classes. There is no better way to help students learn and thrive than through carefully designed, engaging instruction.

  • Support for Teachers. Teachers can be successful only if they are well-supported if they have a say in how schools are run, and if they have ongoing opportunities to improve their craft.

  • Support for Districts. District leaders require the necessary resources, guidance, and assistance to ensure their teachers and students can be successful.

About Me

I’ve lived in Placerville since 1976, when I became a teacher for the Rescue Union School District. I have since dedicated my entire career to the profession that I love. I devoted 20+ years preparing teachers at Sac State; I led a national school turnaround center for WestEd, a national non-profit education organization; and, I created EduCorps, a statewide teacher recruitment program, to reduce the state’s critical shortage of teachers. All of my children attended public schools in El Dorado County and I am proud to say they all received an excellent education.

Currently, I help lead “Bridging Divides – El Dorado,” a non-partisan, non-profit project designed to promote healthy interactions and to unite our community.

I also host two education podcasts. One of them is “Teacher Stories,” which I launched in 2018 to remind us of the profound difference teachers often make in our lives and communities. I, myself, would not have accomplished what I have were it not for countless teachers who inspired me to learn and to make a positive impact on my community.

In 2022 I started “Courageous Conversations about our Schools” to help educators, parents, and students have better, less contentious conversations about complex issues affecting our schools.

If I am elected I will do all I can to promote civil dialogue, to bridge our divides, to honor our teachers, and will seek a unified commitment to work together on behalf of all of our students.